The Scorched Earth...Revision Time!

Hello, fellow Vault Guardians!

I am very excited to announce that the readable edition of The Vault Guardian Book 2: The Scorched Earth is complete.

What does that mean?

It means that you, my wonderful fans, friends, family, and internet lurkers, can read the book early. What that really means: you can have an active role in the revision process. If you're interested in reading the manuscript prior to final revisions and edits then please let me know. I will accept any and all feedback. I want this book to be even better than the first. I simply cannot do that on my own. My view is tainted, no longer objective. I have spent too much time in the world of Ænæria and the Penteric Alliance.

Already forget what happened in Book 1? No problem, there are a few solutions. 1) re-read it! 2) If you don't have the time to do that, I have written a nifty summary of key events that I will share with you. 3) Not interested in editing but want to read Book 2 when it's complete? Well, I may or may not be looking into some bundle deals as well as getting better, professional editing on board. You could then read the new edition of Book 1 alongside the fresh release of Book 2.

Anyone who has helped with the books in the past and/or helps with book 2 will get free, signed copies. Heck, if you want a character named after you, I'm sure I could manage that ;)

If you are interested, please send me a message (Facebook, Twitter, email links below).


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