Update, long overdue

Book 2 is on its way! It's currently in the very capable hands of an editor. I anticipate to have the book back in about 1 month and will hopefully have the edits and changes completed roughly 1 month later. 

I am also looking for a cover artist right now. I have talked to a few people, but have yet to accept anyone as of yet. 

Book 2 was previously under the working title The Scorched Earth. It is now being called The Heir of Ænæria. 

In the meantime, I am currently updating supplemental information. I've just added an "Index" page with many of the key terms from the series. They do contain spoilers for the first book--so be wary! Speaking of the first book, there will be a new and improved edition coming out soon. 

Hopefully, there will be more frequent updates. Though I think I've said that before...

Also, the first draft of Book 3 is well underway....


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